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World News

9/13/13 Now that Assad is making outward threats to the entire West and world with Putin of Russia as their ally: the Tea Party should STOP supporting it's confederate flag waving, but while bible thumping, guns rights for everyone or death standing, fascist capitalism government supporting, now Stalinist worshipping, anti-education and anti-fair labor supporting teabagger IDIOTS they have and start supporting their country they claim to love so much with the rest of the actually sane Americans and much of the world, which are a majority. That would be much appreciated!




-artist unknown

My reaction to the opinion piece from the President of Russia in the New York Times to all Americans, very thought provoking:  

Totalitarianism at it's high point. This IS an act of reaching out, but the motive is questionable. There are some truths, half truths and lies in this, that educated and informed people already know about. "Watch out for the elite intelligentsia" remember that one-last week wasn't it? Losing track of his daily game, so I apologize. Free thinkers, readers, educated professionals, moral scholars, liberals, moderate republicans, etc. that statement was aimed at; he would rather have sheeps and possibly dogs right now in his Animal Farm. This may be an attempt to take advantage of those less informed in this ruthless game of chess he's been playing. For example, if peace were an actual goal of his, then he wouldn't in the same day as this propaganda maneuver was written in a U.S. paper agree to also help Iran build a nuclear reactor or supply them with other nuclear supplies, to avoid a lawsuit by Iran. Even the only somewhat democratic president Russia has ever had agreed to sanction Iran for building them, before Putin basically elected himself to a 3rd and illegal term for president, after 16 years in the Soviet Secret Police and working under Communist U.S.S.R., by using levy to rewrite the constitution. Along with the supplies he has already given to Syria, Iran, China, North Korea, Iraq, etc over the years, and the strengthening of his own army dramatically in recent years, the most disturbing part is Russia's own Veto Power at the United Nations- once again, thanks to Ronald Reagan's administration like so many other things wrong with the U.S. for the last 30 years. Treaties were signed years ago, but these actions do not truly support those international measures. He does not support Western philosophies,which are about peace, tolerance toward others, FREE THINKING societies, religious tolerance, and against loss of life.  Worldviews aligned with the Communist countries in the region deserve NO PART in international law keeping and this attempt for support for his own agenda is further proof. True, Russia did assist the Allied Forces temporarily with the demise of Hitler and his Nazis before turning on their own people for their own personal agenda very similar to his. Stalin was no better than Hitler, he murdered millions of Russians and others with LABOR CAMPS and STARVATION, the U.S.S.R. has slaughtered in own people for wanting freedom, and 2003 wasn't that long ago either that acts of questionable morals occurred. I feel bad for the theater goers who were gassed to death and doctors weren't even allowed to know what was used to help save lives, much less the United Nations be able to investigate. My family heritage is Ukrainian, WE KNOW BETTER. Ukrainians at that time wanted the PEOPLE'S WILL to be heard for freedom and fairness, but were destroyed for it. I worry if the gay population in Russia will be part of a final solution like the people in the labor camps under Stalin were, or if the North Korean labor slaves currently held there will be also!!

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