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We Tried to Help

Now that the government is partially shutdown, I wanted to post a collage of some pictures from the Democratic, Progressive, Occupy Wall Street, Anti-Fascist and Civil Rights movement for better conditions in the U.S. and the results of it before the internet gets shut off too, if that happens. The little bit of good that was left in our government and hope has been threatened to the point that the government is just not going to run now unless concessions are made I certainly hope. To stop tampering with women's basic rights to their own bodies, healthcare, the right to eat if they don't make enough to pay for it or are out of work, or have kids to take care of, and the means to do so. Same for men, and most logical men are against this kind of attack on women and children in our legislation. Also, for people with disabilities not to be left in the cold, and children's right to eat, have healthcare, and have decent housing and schools. It should not be called a budget plan, whenever the GOP and right wing introduces it. It really just makes achieving basic freedoms and rights and needs more impossible to achieve by democratic means. It asks for and welcomes rebellion and anarchy by the ones most affected. It blames people on the wrong end of their iron fist for the conditions that the GOP and Tea Party caused in the first place. Votes that kept their agenda going by people who fell for political savvy and voted for them blindly, sometimes out of religious blindness having to do with their pro-life stance though. The goals in reality are mainly destroying humanity, except for fetuses even at the expense of the life of the mother, the super rich, and huge companies, and life in other countries under a disguise of helping those less fortunate. They failed to see those suffering in their own country, or failed to care, whichever. The agenda calls for demonizing the poor with drug tests that are seldom positive, and refuses to allow treatment for those addicted to drugs, if they want food, something the U.S. has plenty of. It helps eliminate treatment for addicts that already exists, and other mental health services. It criminalizes poverty, and allows for police brutality to homeless people on top of no help from the government who funds them, which is taxpayers. The working poor and poor even getting cash from the government pay taxes on every item they buy, their utility bills, their gasoline, so they should have a voice and be heard, they contribute to the economy everyday. They are treated the worst, and with the most discrimination that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. Big companies seldom pay taxes at all, they often get tax subsidies without consequence under this agenda, they control the money, and eventually the government itself, and the people under it, that is fascism and a police state. It controls the media, and all services including security to keep it enforced. Does this sound like a familiar America to you? Me too. Since I was a child, the rules for regulation of companies has been bent in their favor, with democrats trying to stop it nearly whole way. Concessions on Democrats part were made only to keep essential services going to the people they govern, which would have been cut away otherwise, and each time they had to settle for a smaller amount, which gives way to tent cities too. It hinders the development of children, socially, economically  and intellectually, it causes mass death, and this agenda has caused massive death in the U.S. by these fascist politicians. They weren't Christians, were they now? Or is that still disputed in some pocket of the country? Surely it is. We should know better, it has happened dozens of times throughout the years, so maybe it's time to move on and just keep fending for ourselves. We should have learned from the Great Depression, and the years that followed, what the right way was, but many lived with their heads in the sand. Some people can get help fairly easily from the government to survive still, but for most there are lots of hoops to jump through for charity, which is what it is. Maybe it keeps the lights and heat on for a month or helps with food or children's physicals. Not much else now. The basic concept of helping the needy and that no one needy person is more deserving than any other needy person started over century ago has been corrupted by government wrong-doers. Surprisingly enough, some called themselves social workers, but over time many ignored the basic tenets of their profession to help others in exchange for a paycheck and out of fear of the government who always was against it- the GOP since the 1950's at least. These same people judged others based on marital status, gender, education level, color of skin, sexual orientation, or religious preference most likely, all illegal to do.They have knocked people off assistance to the point that real social workers are infuriated by them, are largely jobless, with no openings for years. If so, it pays a fraction of their worth and they have to follow rules that go against their ethics code. The ones doing this already often lacked the credentials to have the position anyway, which is probably why they were given the jobs, to meet quotas for the GOP of who deserves help and who doesn't. They decided that women and children would become their main target of abuse in the 1980's. Hard to survive with oil in the water on the way to us all anyway, all backed by GOP and it was their idea. Started being built illegally, now they got most lawmakers to just agree to it- did they have a choice really? If they ignored the State Department saying no to it, then they ignored our government laws, correct? Hard to eat wildlife to survive when it's covered in chemicals poisonous to man too, that's why they are just found dead by the waste puddles of fracking and pipeline spills. Corn is mainly a genetic hybrid at this point, so are soybeans, and the chicken coups from the major food suppliers are no place to get supper. But for those of us still in homes, it has been a welcome treat!

-photographers unknown

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