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More on Common Core Math

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More on Common Core Math:

Was the concept to really teach skills faster or better, or just a complete abandonment of basic logic to make a labor force for jobs which require no mathematical skill? Large corporations stand to gain the most profit from this, not students. If you skip basic math concepts, which it does, and teach math differently in a manner ultimately meant to confuse and frustrate children and families and label them as failures, why is there ANY support behind it? It seems most of the support is from teachers, obviously they are missing it. Why would government psychologists and teachers working for the U.S. Department of Education in Washington be so involved in it's making? And it was implemented before being thoroughly researched, so the American public are the experiment. Teachers have never been heavy in the psychology skills set. Psychologists have never been heavy in the concept of environmental or societal factors or consequences to both of those for their lack of human behavioral understanding. They are more of a just one person at a time and blame the brain kind of species themselves, so it really shows that for sure when looking at the big picture!. That should be the conclusion of the experiment then. It has panned out to not give teachers the great test scores they desired for the funding they are dependent upon from taxpayers, worse then NCLB. Teaching to the test of NCLB was a burden they couldn't deal with and I don't think there was a benefit for children as even a basic goal in it's making, not subconsciously anyway. You know I've had Psych 101 myself and it looks like a lame brained attempt to cover up for themselves. Oh well, the tax money will run out eventually once 3 out of 5 people are making $8.oo per hour I guess and the banks finally give up on collecting everyone's debts and just collapse on themselves, right?? There is a light at the end of the tunnel for capitalism then? 

Updated: Educators against Common Core:

Action Websites to Stop Common Core Illinois:

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