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Attracting Backyard Birds and DIY Winter Feeders

Bird feeders for backyard birds are easy to make and an economical solution to help birds stay fed this winter. Birds such as Purple and Gold Finches are attracted to Thistle Seed. Nuthatches and Woodpeckers are attracted to sunflower seeds and peanut butter, among other things. Those two ingredients are sure to make them frequent flyers. My seed mix includes an economical seed that sparrows and chickadees eat together in small flocks, which has grains such as corn, millet, and sunflower seeds mixed in. I added thistle seed, then mixed in a good amount of peanut butter to make it all stick together. For the ball feeder below, I just rolled the seed mix into a ball by hand, then took twine and wrapped it around several times with tight knots, and added a string to hook it to my porch hook. The long feeder is 1/2 of a wrapping paper tube covered in peanut butter with a spatula, then rolled in the seed mix. A toilet paper roll will also work. The hanger is twine that I strung through the top by carefully punching holes with scissors. Bamboo sticks were popped through the feeder the same way to make perches. Ribbons can be tied to make them more attractive, but I chose to save those for feeders that will last a long time. Over time these feeders will deteriorate from rain, snow, and cold, but since they cost so little to make, they can be thrown away and replaced!

- Photo from birdfeedersnmore.com

-Photo from oakmossed.wordpress.com

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