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Criminal Justice Reform, Angie Style

Who else has dealt with so much #PoliceMisconduct & #ProsecutorMisconduct that when you need to report an emergency you don't call 911 anymore & write an email instead to your local PD?
 Or just me?!

My Reason: when I file a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) for the police report it won't come back a 'garbage report.' That's a term I have coined throughout the years meaning a police report that's so full of inaccuracies, that it's not worth the paper they wrote it up on. Nothing to dispute about what was reported if it's in writing. 
Their response, or lack of response to 'the call' may still be an area of where they can get away with misconduct though, since citizens reporting a crime can't control an unlawful response by police officers. 

That's why I will still write a partial police report narrative IN with my FOIA request like normally for several years to discourage receiving a garbage report by the police department, or at the direction of the prosecutor who failed to do their job. 
That's because of SO MANY bad experiences getting PD reports back that were garbage- and a plethora of corrupt police officers who are not worth the toilet paper in their toilets they wiped their butts with before their shift. 

They tend to follow a #ThinBlueLine when it comes to reporting each other for misconduct too. 

Writing a partial narrative with my FOIA means that my FOIA says what the report SHOULD say at least. I'll just skip the phone call now altogether & just keep everything I report in writing! New rules! That's called #JusticeReform, Angie style. It's gotta be involuntary I guess. They aren't going to act ethical or sane on their own or because I ask nicely!! I've tried that with every police department & court system that I have ever been unfortunate enough to have to call & ask assistance from...since childhood!! 

We can't pick who births us, or raises us, or who we fall in love with,
 but cops are public paid employees and our criminal justice system is publicly funded so I expect better. 
It's meant to protect and serve, not victimize and traumatize.

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