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Revisiting Common Core & Other Psychological Considerations

   I began speaking out along with other parents about Common Core over 5 years ago. My hope was that more teachers would begin to join the effort, as the former teacher did in the article I mentioned in my blog in a couple of posts. She went back to school and educated herself in the field of counseling to help students affected by this approach to education, and advocates for children and their families for a more nurturing & common sense based approach to education. She's a rare, yet highly educated advocate with a great sense of morals and values that guide her..

   B.F. Skinner & Seligman based theories taught heavily to educators are 2 reasons why teachers need to stick to their fields, & out of the field of mental health, which they do as a rule. Teachers cannot become psychotherapists very easily without basically 'unlearning' everything they have been taught previously. You never forget how to ride a bike once you learn though as we say! The educational basis for a degreed, licensed teacher focuses on starkly different courses & theories in general in contrast to the protocol of educational requirements for professional counselors, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, or marriage and family therapists. Schools are of course for education, NOT psychotherapy sessions. Doing that violates a student's fundamental & civil right to an education, and constitutes a violation of parental rights as well.

   Someone practicing as a 'school counselor' in a school setting needs to adhere to the same educational and licensing requirements as 'regular counselors' in order to protect the mental health of students in any case. ALL therapists/counselors are required to be licensed to practice individual counseling or counseling in a group setting, and in order to call themselves a therapist or counselor. The name 'school counselor' itself gives the impression that the school counselor is degreed in a field such as psychology or sociology. Let's hope for our children's sake that they all are & no corners are being cut either to save money or prevent accountability. If a student becomes injured psychologically because of malpractice by one in a school, the consequences for them should be the same as if it occurred in a counselor's private practice. All states, including Illinois, have a state license board to track counseling licenses and file complaints if necessary.



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