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Capitalism and Crime: Governmental Control Over Resources; the Oppression Over People: Part 2

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The People's Fight for Water and Other Resources:
 The Human Response to Government Race for Fossil Fuels

The people's fight for water and other resources, due to the harvesting of fossil fuels and the global crisis it has caused for our environment, gives rise to all levels of human survivalist instinct. The necessary means to survive has become a diminished prospect or all together unobtainable. Globally, the conditions which humans live in are complicated by lack of housing, lack of economic opportunity, extreme temperatures, increased natural disasters, and lack of food and/or water. 

When the Oppressed Class Seeks Social Justice: 

Those in countries where freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are legal and socially acceptable, often bring their grievances to their government officials in this way. But, the oppressed sometimes have their civil rights violated by the very government that instituted those universal rights as a part of the democracy. This is because when the ruling class feel their interests are threatened, abuse of governmental power has usually followed. This premise is demonstrated by both history and by Richard Quinney's 'Social Reality Theory of Crime': the idea that "criminal law is used by the state and ruling class to secure survival of the capitalist system, and, as capitalist society is further threatened by it's own contradictions, criminal law will be increasingly used in the attempt to maintain domestic order." Capitalism tends to favor the ruling class, which is controlled by money and their special self-serving interests. Oil drilling in the Arctic is a good example. Despite the will of the people to break free from fossil fuels and our votes in a "democracy" against it, our voices and votes are ignored. In America, our basic environmental legislation was repealed by executive order by President Trump. 

Link: U.S. Exits Paris Climate Agreement

Greed also controls his most powerful supporters, leaving punishment for these governmental crimes against humanity and the planet less likely to occur. While the government itself makes the laws, law enforcement is much more likely to be aimed at those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale. This leaves basic democratic values and social movements in accountability, justice reform, and humanitarianism out of reach for social justice advocates and the oppressed class.

Link: "Moscow's Lone Climate Protester: We Need To Talk About It Now"

"People generally do not have the same justice system as those in places of political and monetary power."- J.K. Lieberman, 1973

The bi-lateral control of the natural resources in the Arctic Circle by Russia & the United States, combined with the human response to the climate crisis and ecocide it's causing is a disaster. Totalitarianism throughout history has never worked. Governments that are mismanaged, become corrupted, do not follow their own laws, lack democracy, and partake in mass incarceration or genocide are repeatedly overthrown by the people or taken down by foreign military. Government, while an entity in itself, is made up of 2 basic things: humans and money. The humanity and morality of people is lost when their thoughts and actions are solely controlled by money and the need to exert power and dominance over the people. Militarized police, in combination with a militarized police force allowed to constantly violate the oppressed class and their civil and constitutional rights, creates a fascist government. Until there can be a moral compass installed in governmental policy, focused on human empathy rather than instant gratification, our earth and people will continue to suffer. 

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