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MLK and Civil Rights Erosion in the USA

Martin Luther King, who was murdered 45 years ago today, preached non-violence as a means to resolve social issues. It is difficult for me to not have anger when I read the news about some of the things that lawmakers are doing that violate the Civil Rights Amendments. 

It would waste a lot less time and resources if all the states and lawmakers that spend all their time making bills that violate civil rights and the amendments would just leave the Union again, instead of the Supreme Court having to put them in check repeatedly. Then they could just have their coveted Civil War again, and lose again. 

Photo: Cindi at Kicking Ass for the Middle Class writes,

"Today is the 45th anniversary of MLK's assassination. This will be my 3rd time posting this, but it's simply one of the most profound images I've seen. Martin Luther King -- very quickly and quietly -- bending over to remove a burnt cross from his lawn, with his son beside him. The dignity and strength in this image is almost beyond comprehension. The innocence of the little boy next to that cross....... An entire novel can be written about this picture. - Cindi"

Is that what it is coming to if the federal laws of the USA are continually ignored and precious resources are wasted to justify those laws again and again? Our amendments and constitution itself was so hard to come by; people DIED to help achieve basic rights under our government. Now in recent years it's being made fun of and challenged by neanderthals hiding behind a mixed message. One which swears by love for their people, but acts with hatred toward their fellow man. History is repeating itself. People put in crisis or having to remain in a social justice/human rights crisis all to serve an agenda that no human could ever really support if they have a moral compass -means their hands are bound to an ideology that is self-destructive at best. To support bigotry or financial genocide of the middle class and poor is something they cannot help if they have been spoon fed propaganda that it's actually a "good thing" that they will benefit from it, or that it's just a myth, however. What will come of this feeble-minded epidemic yet again? Nothing positive will come. Arsenals of weapons stashed because of their paranoia that the government is after THEM and their GUNS and their BIBLES will only feed on itself, as it has been. Hiding behind a cross to hurt others is non-productive in a relatively educated society that also knows if bombs were dropped on us by a tryannical government, that a few guns wouldn't do it either... MLK was murdered at a time when he was shifting his focus on POVERTY in America, the disparities between the rich and the poor, the right for working class people to have basic necessities for for their wages, which they did not then but it came much closer then now.. Many decades have passed, and it is a tragedy that this man was not allowed to continue on because he would have done many more great things for society and would have fought for greater good, not for the power of a few. He has inspired two generations after him to continue his dreams and for that I am thankful and feel blessed. 

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