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On Russia

The Blog- on Russia

      We are supposed to trust the word of Vladamir Putin that his Navy is just "doing exercises" in the ocean and NOT supporting genocide in Syria and supplying them with chemical weapons. He spent 16 years in the KGB- Soviet Secret Police, that is a good reason not to believe it.  The KGB spied on innocent people (Like the Patriot Act but times 10), detained and tortured them, and took away their right to breathe. They sent Russians to isolated Siberia to make them disappear. Also as punishment for trying to have freedoms or protesting Stalinism or trying to escape the U.S.S.R., or something they just felt like making up as a means of mind control and control over a person in general. Lives were controlled under a microscope. Their occupation chosen for them from the age of a child, who or if they could marry, to the right to read or not, and what to read. He assisted the Soviets and was a self admitted member of the Communist Party before becoming President of Russia, but we were given a much rosier picture of him initially, like he had defected from it. He served his 2 allowed Presidential terms under their constitution that Russia made when "communism fell" which was a huge lie anyway- many always had that notion. The government then REWROTE the law so that he could have a 3rd term, which the people protested for obvious reasons- it is a hallmark sign of a dictator with an ill-conceived agenda they are willing to implement with force if necessary as history has shown us. 

Russia has been stock piling WMD for many years, and spending time on new warships since the mid 1990's or so with new technology that surpasses ours, and under the radar. They invented chemical weapons and have whole towns for testing them. They supplied other communist nations including Syria, even helped the Syrians put anthrax in their missiles supposedly, which they are ready to use if we interrupt what they are doing over there. We know they have helped Iran, helped Saddam Hussein, and Communist China. They have a permanent Navy presence in the oceans again, new since Soviet times. Some subs we can't even detect because of their technology. Some in their Navy are BRAGGING about it and of all of their new missiles and warships. All this with nukes, chemicals unknown, meant to obliterate whomever they choose, whether it is Alaska, our mainland, or allies of ours. But of course, they downplay that when even remotely probed and aren't trying to divulge any secret plans they may have for another Eugenics Program shall we call it. We have NO official blessings to try to stop Syria from gassing their own people, and that is at least partly why- because yes we all fear Soviet Russia very much so. They aren't any better in philosophy now then when they were properly labeled as the U.S.S.R, that is my take on their actions. They changed their flag is all and lied about the rest, and calmed it down for awhile. Our mainstream news didn't exactly cover all their activities very much, or what kind of leadership they really have, they don't want mass panic or bad decisions provoked by the news. They also lack access to much information without cooperation, all due respect is given. Hopefully the pieces are coming together for many and I hope I am helping bring that about. Sickening what they have gotten away with already ever so quietly, and keeping blame off of themselves for a long time, through many lost lives, ruined economies, and many useless wars. 

To be fair, the USA government is no picnic, it has been guilty of atrocities and tyranny against the world and it's own people too, but many people like myself have called them out of these things when they have happened and protested, and the scale of what Americans have faced is no comparison to what could be happening. This mess in Syria pulls on heartstrings for those of us who value humanity, like our Secretary of State, and our President. Equal rights and human and social justice have been a huge part of their philosophies and that is not in doubt by very many. So, the idea to strike Syria is not in any way motivated by a drive to dictate and capture resources, like the Cheney/Bush regime. It is more a moral calling, like when FDR attacked the Nazi's. I know this is a Wikipedia link below and Wikipedia isn't always a good resource, but I couldn't even stop feeling ill about half way through this biography. It really is a pretty disturbing picture of a person that doesn't remind me of a leader of any type of democracy at all, far from it. 

For somebody like me with family ties to Ukrainian villages that were slaughtered long before WW2 by the U.S.S.R., the thought of attacking Syria is a completely frightening scenario. With all that has come to light about Russia the last few days from alternative news sources, and some mainstream sources too I hope and pray things are thought through first. It is my duty to my family to worry about it. My heritage of both Russian and also German and my ancestors torture and horrific deaths under Nazi Germany compel me to pay attention. My instinct has became to gather as much information as possible, and not blindly trust what I am reading or hearing. I would rather be armed with information and keep up. Iran threatened destroying countries if we do intervene, which Russia SUPPORTS it is safe to assume. Our soil is slowly being surrounded by people who may believe whole groups of people should be murdered over a book they disagree with, country of heritage, or having a free thinking mind separated from what their government tells them to think by force. Whatever the reason, it is time to wake up about what Russia's part is in the Middle East crisis, and accept the possibility that many things happened while we were distracted, including here on our soil that are meant to hurt. I have prayed for the recent lost lives of genocide and for their souls to receive the justice they deserve. The USA is a melting pot full of many cultures, I'm sure it turns an Aryan's stomach. I love my country and it's beautiful variety of creatures.  

Forced labor, human trafficking:

Chemical weapons:

New class of submarines:

New warship fleets:

Timeline of missile tests:

Beefing up Navy in North:

Kremlin response to missle contracts with Syria:

Official statement about warships being sent to defend Syria:

36 warships 2013:

Large scale Russian military drills:

more on Russian military drills:

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