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Russian Labor Camps, USA law

The definition of "severe human trafficking" (Part B) according to "Trafficking Victims Protection Act" -
"the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery." - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, U.S. Department of State- reauthorized March 7, 2013    

2013 report link: 

The effort for a Human Rights Watch in Sochi, Russia made some progress which is encouraging:

Far Eastern Russia, Siberia, North Korean Workers (logging labor camps) are pretty shady. Hard to get to, hard to find information about, and deeply covered up. It has got to be frustrating for all of the journalists, human rights workers, and officials to get proof of what is really going on and not get harmed in the process. 

        This is not about our soil, but it is about what we value and SAY we value. This means not allowing human rights violations or horrendous treatment on any scale to continue anywhere in the world, with assistance by nations with similar values being a necessity. A disregard for human life and basic human dignity could be imposed upon us much more easily if we are anything less than empathetic to it. It is a test of our own moral compass as a basic priority! We are meant to be a true democracy and nation of fairness, and not supporters of fascism or communism. Both of those models support and enable a few who are in control and make them rich, while everyone else suffers more and more. It continues to the point of helplessness and lack of freedom and choice in all areas of people's lives, and it grows like a black mold on the whole population if it is ignored or supported by confused individuals. History has shown the way to be prosperous without hurting others, but old ideas that benefit no one in the end always tend to get in the way.

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