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The Supreme Court is the Law of the Land, for lawmakers to make their own rules who are in a position of power to hurt others is a good topic to address at some point through the legal system. Violating oath of Congressional Office is another treasonous act of rebellion. I hope it ends soon, and a wounded American public can move on and past it. I hope after the government opens up, something will be done about extremists outlawing being homeless on the street and outlawing even feeding them in many places, along with not supporting them with job creation or basic services nationally through their votes for Representatives and Senators that would do their dirty work in the House and Congress. Also, hopefully we can address the ignorance that blames the poor for their condition, and instead blame the draconian policies that brought it on; secure support for them, including shelter and food, through government funds, and not punish them any further for no legitimate reason. Programs such as food stamps, medical care and housing programs, are necessary to run a society too, that should be more important than corporate profits. The New Deal passed decades ago has programs meant to reduce poverty and secure a fair society for all! It is not socialism any more than tax dollars paying for parks workers or public libraries. 


National Coalition for the Homeless Hate Crimes report, December 2012:


National Coalition for the Homeless progress in making criminalizing the poor classified as a hate crime:


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