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Freethinkers:The Holidays and Elections

Politics during an election year. 
The holiday season- October through January! 
Every. Single. Year. 

Both politics and "the holidays" have infiltrated our TV sets, are on street corners, billboards, and radio stations. In stores, airports, movie theaters, restaurants, and mailboxes. We can't seem to get away from opposing opinions to our personal belief systems. Viewpoints and propaganda may become infuriating at times. Unless we hide in our homes with earplugs and blinders, and refuse to interact with anyone, we will notice something about Christmas or Election 2016.

It is best to form your own beliefs based on logical thoughts, and what you believe deeply to be true in your heart, by rationally contrasting both. Whether it is spiritual notions or processing facts, being true to ourselves and our values can cause an argument with just about anyone if the right buttons get pushed in the process of sharing our views. I believe in celebrating whatever holiday least offends you, if any. Respect others and their beliefs, unless they are a threat to you directly in some way- then don't. Truth is greater than fiction; but kindness is more productive than aggression however in most cases. Happiness is better than misery any day! Some people just don't care about fairness or facts, and they don't respect you or your right to disagree or to be a freethinker. It is pointless to preach to those who are close minded because they will never give any opportunity to be proven wrong. That is the essence of a close minded person. They will brush you off, so it is better to do the same rather than frustrating yourself. They probably feel the same way, even if they are delusional in their viewpoint. Let's all get through it, with the least amount of damage possible- whether it's to avoid the risk of emotional scarring, economic turmoil, or complete homicidal anger. Holidays and election year bliss is possible for everyone! If we try hard....right?

Freethinkers: "someone who ​forms ​their own ​opinions and ​beliefs, ​especially about ​religion or ​politics, ​rather than just ​accepting what is ​officially or ​commonly ​believed and ​taught." - Cambridge Dictionary

Some independent thoughts on the holidays and elections:

It doesn't necessarily matter who wins the White House, look what happened with Barack Obama. If a new Democratic president cooperates with Republicans, or attempts to be open minded with them again in any way, the next 4 to 8 years will be lost trying to create jobs and tax the rich too. There could be another 300+ anti-abortion bills introduced. Social program cuts to pay for billionaire tax breaks may still be weekly. They are looking for scapegoats at this point just like Hitler did when that economy wasn't working for the rich who controlled it. They still don't care. 

On a more positive note. Americans are granted the right to Freedom of Religion. That isn't going to change, even though right wing extremists would love it if it did. That constant threat scares a lot of people. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and the Right to Bear Arms will remain. Hate speech advocating violence against minorities, unconstitutional assembly, and gun wielding home grown terrorists are not covered under those Constitutional rights. So that's good. Those who perpetuate or participate in that sort of stuff may disagree, but that is also why it is tempting to live in a bubble so we don't have to hear them being celebrated and applauded. 

Christmas trees are derived from the Pagans who celebrate Winter Solstice with evergreen trees, and they have since before Christianity. Christians have evergreen "Christmas trees" and simultaneously denounce pagans as evil, along with witchcraft and all it's symbols. This is hilariously funny every year to those in the know who do not celebrate the religious version of Christmas.

Hanukkah, is a celebration of Jewish ancestry and the tribe surviving being killed for their religious beliefs and regaining their temple after one such instance of standing up to a dictatorship imposing a religion on them- based on historical events. It isn't "Jewish Christmas." If anything, it could be considered a protest OF Christmas. 

I am not offended by anything on earth infinitely more as a socially conscience person than religion and government not diligently being kept separated. Also, attempts at any national religion, or attempts to demonize any religion or race, are just as bothersome. I consider anyone who supports that fascism to be mentally ill, and without a cure. They are not welcome making decisions for me and my family, especially through any government legislation. They are disqualified to be in American government for holding those beliefs and pushing those agendas. They should be considered an enemy of America, and a domestic terrorist.

Well with some luck, the 2016 Election race won't drive us all mad.
I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday season as well!

~Best wishes for you and your loved ones, and peace, love, and harmony~

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