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“Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.”

 -Mario Fernandez 



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Living Under An Injustice System, Explained

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

-photo courtesy of Amazon.com

In the transcripts of the Declaration of Independence, it mentions that our rights come from our "Creator." Yet government is instilled to protect these very rights. Whoever our Creator is, it doesn't specify which God. If an American is an atheist, then that would mean a lack of a Creator to that specific person under the Constitution. Could the motive behind the right wing injustice system disrespecting the rights of others on the other end of the political spectrum & of those who don't worship Jesus as God like they do simply be because:

they don't BELIEVE in the DUTY that EXISTS for the ENTIRE justice system which REQUIRES IT to PROTECT & UPHOLD the civil rights of others??🤔 

It's the lawful right and duty by Americans to abolish an injustice system such as I describe. Please see this excerpt from Declaration of Independence for reference:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government."


Police Misconduct Allowed Anywhere Is Police Misconduct Allowed Everywhere

The USA has more imprisoned people per capita than any other nation on earth. This mass incarceration problem can only be solved by policing the police with federal legislation....

China has a population of ~1 billion people with ~1 million incarcerated; while the USA has a population of ~300 million, with over ~2 million behind bars, & ~4 million on probation or parole. -Van Jones

-photo via Twitter
Chicago City Council aldermen vote to terminate the $33 million contract between police & Chicago Public Schools. 
Lack of accountability for SRO's, traumatized & abused children, & tarnished futures have heeded the call for this to happen for years. The education system is to prepare youth for a future which shouldn't include a felony record for minor disobedience...
as too often happens. 

Police don't belong in schools. Most school resource officers have little to NO training in social & behavioral sciences.

With 75 convictions overturned so far, is this the police department & states attorney office you want in charge of holding police in Chicago schools accountable? We need independent oversight of ALL misconduct, a national registry, 
no immunity from charges for police officers, & no police in schools! 

Tear gas is a chemical weapon that is banned in warfare by the Geneva Convention. Before a photo op in front of a church, President Trump 'cleared the road' with military police using tear gas on peaceful protesters while giving a speech on National TV. Peaceful protesters were being shoved, trampled, tear gassed, & cornered by military police with flash bangs thrown at their feet while he spoke of being the 'President of Law & Order' & discussed looting. 

-photo of military police in Washington D.C.
Trump's speech fanned the flames of anger, rather than addressing the underlying issues
 of police brutality & cops getting special treatment in our criminal justice system. 
He gave no words of wisdom.

Other police brutality instances have been receiving attention 
at the numerous protests for justice reform:

-photo via Twitter

Reform measures have recently been introduced in cities, states, & at the federal level, 
including the Ending Qualified Immunity Act. Police have been given a get out of jail for free card 
& it has made it difficult to hold them accountable for their misconduct. 

-photo via Twitter
Policy solutions have been in the works for years, but only recently have the measures been not only considered, but began implementation. A couple of them below have their critics, but are considered blueprints for
 legislative solutions to police violence and misconduct. 

Militarized police along with lack of justice for victims of police misconduct is the perfect storm for disaster. Some feel that there is no hope to reform police, and that defunding the police is the only solution-
 by reallocation of their funding for useful social programs for the community.

-photo via Twitter
Police misconduct allowed anywhere means
 that police misconduct is allowed everywhere. 💔
