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DIY Birdfeeder Ideas

Old juices bottles are great for upcycling projects. Pictured is my lastest birdfeeder that I made from recycled bottles.

How To Make Your Own

Take sharp scissors to make the feeder holes and tiny holes near the bottom to squeeze a perch through by carefully puncturing the plastic with the sharp ends.  My perches are made of chopsticks, but many found objects will work.  Next, make holes in the caps to fit a heavy duty twine through, and tie in a knot so it doesn't slide through.  String beads or shells if you like.  The outside clear plastic was painted with diluted outdoor acrylic paint.  Layers of black, blue, and purple are randomly painted in sections, then a large brush is used to scratch and blend them to give it a unique look.  Neon green and a liner brush are used around the middle sections.  Adhesive gems are placed around both feeders. To fill with bird seed, simply unscrew both caps, fill with seed and screw back on.  Hang from a hook or a tree branch about 6 feet from the ground!

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