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Capitalism and Crime: Governmental Control Over Resources; the Oppression Over People: Part 1

Part 1: Bi-Lateral Military and Political Power of Natural Resources in the Arctic Circle 

Power has unlimited political and monetary control over some of humans most basic resources. A democratic government, by definition, ensures a healthy balance of moral obligations and shows considerations for it's large population. Future projections of consequences are necessary by governments for whatever actions that it, as a governing body, ultimately decide. Maintaining supplies for it's people is one of the main responsibilities of a democratic government, and military defense alone is not the only important duty they have. They are implicated in the outcome, whether bad or good decision making was used beforehand. Basic moral concepts are usually lost on crony capitalist leaders, as we have been finding out repeatedly throughout history. 

There are other sources of power emerging and evolving, that are cleaner, more efficient, more cost effective, longer lasting, and not dependent on oil. However, the fight between superpowers over the last of the earth's natural resources continues despite advancements in technology, as well as the environmental and humanitarian concerns by many. Russian oil giant Rosneft, and U.S. run Exxon Mobil, both profit from Arctic Drilling. Exxon and Rosneft, both have public data, easily researchable on Google. Included in this post are some links, regarding their joint occupation in The Arctic Circle. 

- photo from: http://energy-cg.com/Arctic/Arctic_ChukchiSea.html
Link: "The Energy Consulting Group Business strategy for upstream oil and gas producers and service companies"

Profits Over Morality and Democracy

"Exxon Mobil stands to regain access to huge reserves of oil if the United States rolls back sanctions on Russia."

When President Donald Trump appointed Rex Tillerson as Secretary of  State, the former CEO of Exxon Mobil criticized U.S. sanctions on Russia that were imposed under the Obama Administration. This was sparked over Russia's invasion of Ukraine and their violation of the International Treaty that gives Ukraine independence from the former Soviet Union.  Rex Tillerson has stated that the cost to Exxon was $1 billion at the end of 2015. He blamed the U.S. imposed economic sanctions for their loss of profits gained by harvesting natural resources in the Arctic. 

Rex Tillerson, now former Secretary of State, was awarded "Russia's Order of Friendship" by Putin in 2013. More recently than the information in the article that I'm paraphrasing from, is the fact that President Trump has stated he wishes to lift the sanctions on Russia. This is only one more example that power and profits are more important to Trump than our environment or international laws, or world populations. Rosneft has said that about 87 billion barrels of oil are in the Kara Sea Project. Jointly, Exxon Mobil and Rosneft discovered over 730 million barrels in their 1st exploration alone several years ago. 
Exxon has recently pulled out of oil drilling projects offshore in the Arctic, due to the economic sanctions over the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The bi-lateral control by Russia and the United States over natural resources will likely continue, at the expense of our earth and people. What good will come from draining and harming our environment for profits, while pushing the masses further into oppression by our governments and further into poverty? For just a few white collar profiteers to achieve bragging rights or world dominance over the rest of the population, a lot of human suffering has occurred already. 

Coming Soon: Part 2:The People's Fight for Water and Other Resources; The Human Response to Government Race for Fossil Fuels

Other Links:

"Exxon Mobil Could Tap Huge Arctic Assets if US-Russian Relations Thaw"

" Exxon, Citing Sanctions, To Abandon Joint Ventures With Russia's Rosneft"

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