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Thoughts on Mass Incarceration For Profit

-Photo from "Justice for Justin"

A society has failed when Capitalism harvests it's own people through mass incarcerations and imposing large debts on them. Disproportionately the practice is done for petty offenses punished with inhumane and/or draconian laws, for no other logical reason than for profit. The over punishing criminalization laws are enacted by lawmakers with a financial gain or interest in the business model. Other parts of the web necessary for it's survival have included the documented slow degradation of civil rights and lack of basic equal protections under the law by our criminal justice system as a whole. Mass failures to uphold federal Constitutional Rights such as the promise of "innocent until proven guilty" to citizens, abuse of judicial and police authority, and lack of accountability are large contributors. The mentioned systems profit off of violations of due process and false arrests through fines and also stocks they may hold in the prisons or detention centers. While imprisonment for actual offenses remains the majority of subjects, the longer the sentence, and more incarcerations yield the most profits. There is no accountability, very little at best. Quotas are in place to arrest, detain, charge, and convict, and have become a priority for law enforcement and courts, rather than actual criminal justice. It is no longer a democracy and is a fascist police state when mass incarceration and false imprisonment have become Big Business. It is a joint venture of government and the business of imprisonment coming together for profit off of the abuse of people in society. Taxdollars are also being funneled into the pockets of the keyholders and engineers of this- the politicians that support it, the prosecuting courts, as well as judges privately profiting from it. It is estimated that over 100,000 people are falsely imprisoned. There needs to be steps taken to restore freedom. 

Please visit me on Twitter and Google+ for articles I have shared from sources such as the ACLU on the #SchoolToPrisonPipeline injustice being done to our nation's children and their families, via public schools and police. The end of the war on our people starts with knowledge.

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