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Tipping Point for Americans

Civil unrest among citizens doesn't necessarily mean that they are violating any laws. To use the phrase "civil unrest" gives unfortunate imagery of people possibly deserving punishment of some sort for their behavior. In reality, unarmed people standing exercising their freedom to assemble does not include being chased down by army tanks or shot at with rubber bullets in a just society that honors its written laws. Freedom of speech, including the rights of media to pass knowledge on is protected under our constitution. Why were reporters assaulted and threatened with arrest in the recent protests in Ferguson, Missouri? This is one of many questions I have about our police state and militarism police response to protestors during the last few years. Occupy Wall Street documented the same type of events and abuses that have happened in Ferguson when the people refused to stand down to corruption and demanded answers in a peaceful manner. Has there been a tipping point that has turned the government to a war on its people rather than addressing financial and civil rights issues? If it were not for independent reporters and media outlets, this blog would not exist. Sharing of vital information about what really is happening around us and behind closed doors is proving an important means of survival and problem solving for those who would like solutions that benefit people and not harm. People at times seek justice from a government or fraction of it (I.e. police) and assembling in numbers in public is a peaceful way of showing disapproval for the wrongdoings and to seek justice. The violence towards those people and stripping of their rights further erodes the process for which they are merely standing up to protect. Americans have been led to believe that the laws written were worth the paper they were written on. As we are finding out with the International Treaty that was to protect Ukraine from being invaded by Russia again after winning their independence over 20 years ago, our laws that were written intended to protect citizens from a police state are worthless as well. To stand up is to be put down, and placed further out of the unconscious ideas of freedom that were engraved. Instead a dismal reality that you do not have those rights and that your voice is an enemy to your oppressor. Speak loudly, resist as long as possible, do not accept police brutality especially if our federal government is which seems to be the case.

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